6 reasons to eat this ancient vegetable
Cousin of carrot, this root vegetable returns to date. With undeniable advantages for health, parsnips also possible to vary its autumn and winter menus.
Rich in antioxidants, potassium and vitamins, parsnips is good for the heart and the immune system of the body. Its abundant fiber also contribute to a good intestinal comfort. Focus on strengths.
1. parsnip protects the heart
"Potassium is an important mineral that regulates heart rate and promotes a drop in blood pressure," says Veronique Liegeois, dietician-nutritionist.
2. Parsnips fight against constipation
It contains more than 3 g of fiber per 100 g. "This is mainly insoluble fiber, such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, says dietician. Recent absorb water, moisturize and increase stool volume, which facilitates intestinal transit. "
The fibers also have the advantage of providing a feeling of satiety faster and reduce the risk of snacking.
3. Parsnips provides energy
With 17 g of carbohydrates 100g, it contains two to three times more than the core.
"Carbohydrates should represent 50-55% of our daily intake. We must consume at least 100 to 150 grams, as they are essential for the proper functioning of the body, including the brain. "
"Carbohydrates should represent 50-55% of our daily intake. We must consume at least 100 to 150 grams, as they are essential for the proper functioning of the body, including the brain. "
4. Parsnip contains antioxidants
This root vegetable contains many antioxidants: vitamins C and E and flavonoids. The latter are particularly interesting in the prevention of cancers.
5. Parsnips are alkalizing
Parsnips are an alkaline vegetable that gives energy to the body and prevents diseases. Our diet should consist of 65 to 70% of alkaline or neutral foods (mostly fruits and vegetables) and 30 to 35% only acidic foods (red meat, cold cuts, cheeses, pastries ...).
6. The parsnip is a source of vitamin B9 (folate)
This vitamin is important for pregnant women. It helps to strengthen the immune system, to fight against fatigue, but above all it is essential for the proper development of the fetal nervous system.
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