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3 rules for permanent weight loss

3 rules for permanent weight loss

Because the intention is that the kilos that you lost remain off.

1. It is not a diet, it's a lifestyle

If you temporarily following a diet and lots of sports, but then your old life picks up, will the kilos off were probably seated quickly. It is important to make changes in your lifestyle changes that are healthy and you have to sustain.  Research from Louisiana State University shows that the motivation to keep going when you see result in the beginning. The researchers argue that it helps to start strictly your new lifestyle: for example, delete the first two weeks temporarily all added sugars, soft drinks and alcohol. You will lose weight and that will motivate you to continue with your healthy lifestyle after two weeks.

2. Not all calories are the same

Hundred hundred calories are calories, yet are not all calories equal. Soft drinks will not satisfy your hunger and your body produces no healthy nutrients. Choose your diet for raw products, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats. These products provide healthy nutrients and satisfy your hunger.

3. Do not skip meals

Crash diets or accidentally on purpose to skip meals, has in the long run not the effect you hope. You want to burn fat, not lose muscle because your body runs on its reserves. Healthier lives about regular meals, healthy food, smaller portions, and the problem that you eat tackle too much.In short, make you lose weight in a healthy way. Take care of yourself and your body, make sure you eat enough and do not be too hard on yourself. Give yourself moments to enjoy your favorite pie, cookies or chips. The only way to create a lifestyle that you can maintain, that will not every kilo you lose it immediately to eat.